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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cinema Corner Lot

15 APRIL nanti bersamaan tarikh tutup contest yang aku join tutup - KLIK SINI - sebuah filem akan bergentayangan di pawagam pawagam yang menayangkan filem..


cerita ni sesuai untuk sesape yang die-hard fan of horror movies macam hantu kak limah aku..tapi itu bukanlah bermakne kalau korang ni takut dan tak berapa minat dengan cerita cerita yang macam ni korang dilarang sama sekali untuk pergi tengok cerita ni..kalau nak tengok tu pergi jelah tengok, duit tiket bayar sendiri sendiri kan??


boleh bace kan ape tajuk ceritanye tu???


sinopsis :

SIDNEY PRESCOTT has been living the last few years of her life in relative silence. Now a guidance counselor for Woodsboro High School, her alma mater, she finally lives her life out of the media spotlight. But with the discovery of a murdered student, Sidney Prescott’s world will once again be ripped apart by the reemergence of Ghost Face.

Scary movies are just child’s play for you, you say? Ha, think again because this one is sure to give you nightmares for weeks! This movie is not for the weak hearted so if you think you can’t handle blood and gore, and high pitched screams echoing throughout the cinema, you might want to stop reading now

okaylah..korang rase korang cukup berani tak???

kalau rase rase ade sakit jantung ke ape keh tapi tetap nak tengok jugak, jangan risau..dengar cerita organ dalaman dah ade jual dekat kedai hardware, nyawa pun dah murah..so kalau nak lagi best klik nuffnang ni 

sekian dari yang punya blog..Adiosss

nota : semua kredit to NUFFNANG 


MissNadh said... [mantul tipuan ini]

wow..macm seram sangat nih..kalo tensyen2 leh tengok sbb leh jerit kuat-kuat..heheh

iemanizam said... [mantul tipuan ini]

ahahaha...tau takpe...nak lepas geram citer mcm ni lah best

Miss Bluepinkiey said... [mantul tipuan ini]

macam pernah tengok citerrr nihhh...huhuhu

iemanizam said... [mantul tipuan ini]

miss bluepinkiey..dah tengok?? yg 4 punye??

Ammar said... [mantul tipuan ini]

Assalamualaikum..sorry... tadi ada masalah rangkain kot.. Nak daftar SAYS.my pergi lah blog Ammar.. Dah boleh daftar tu.. JoM SAMA-sama kita buat duit

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